
Armor piercing tactical spike
Armor piercing tactical spike

armor piercing tactical spike

As a result of these tests the contractor made improvements in the round and received approval for producing 8,500. Program managers continued development of the XM829 cartridge with a successful test in Panama of straight wall cartridge cases and a DTII test at Aberdeen Proving Ground. Although the U.S.-made XM827 kinetic energy rounds with depleted uranium cores successfully passed accuracy and armor penetration tests, the Army decided not to produce them but to concentrate on the XM829 round. The Army continued its successful transfer of the cannon technology during fiscal year 1984 with Watervliet Arsenal fabricating 31 complete XM256 cannons and 56 spare tubes. development of the XM829 Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot Tracer cartridge finished the full-scale engineering development phase and the program resolved major technical issues and completed the test phase of the Technology Transfer, Fabrication and Test program in that year.

armor piercing tactical spike

program to transfer the technology for the German-design cannon and ammunition neared completion and initial production started in 1984.

armor piercing tactical spike

Testing of the tungsten version of the XM829, in this case the 90% alloy, fired in the July 1979 Germany trials, demonstrated that despite occasional core failure at high temperature, impressive penetration performance was obtainable. This basic design later evolved into the penetrator for the 105mm XM833 and the 12Omm XM829. Their review of Picatinny Arsenal studies convinced them that the original 24mm geometry, modified to increase the L/O from 15.5 to 18.0, could be a functional, superior item.


When the final series of Tripartite Trials - Growth Potential firings were scheduled for December 1977, the Ballistic Research Laboratories embarked on a program to further exploit the capabilities of the 105tmn M68 Gun. Combustible Cartridge Case w/Case Base & Seal Assembly.This growth potential round features a modern technology high length to diameter (L/D), depleted uranium penetrator, and lightweight sabot. The propulsion system uses an obturating case base with combustible wall. It consists of a fin stabilized subprojectile with a six bladed aluminum fin, a tracer assembly attached to the rear of the fin and a depleted uranium (DU) penetrator with a ballistic tip to reduce drag. The 120mm M829 Armor Piercing, Fin Stabilized, Discarding Sabot-Tracer(APFSDS-T), cartridge is a US developed kinetic energy (KE) armor defeating round. This ammunition will not be fired over the heads of friendly troops unless troops are protected by adequate cover as they may be struck by the discarded sabot. M829 series ammunition is loaded and fired in the normal manner. Like other DU munitions, these are identifiable by their black color with white markings on the projectile (pointed) end. Target penetration is affected strictly by the high kinetic energy of the DU core when it impacts. It's primary function is the destruction of threat tanks and armor fighting vehicles.

armor piercing tactical spike

This second generation kinetic energy projectile is capable of penetrating the frontal slope of all fielded armor systems and it's high technology penetrator and sabot design provides a munition which is accurate at all combat ranges. The 120mm, M829 series, depleted uranium armor piercing fin stabilized discarding sabot-tracer (APFSDS-T) is the primary anti-armor 120mm smooth bore, M256 cannon, tank ammunition in service with the M1A1 and M1A2 Abrams tanks.

Armor piercing tactical spike